Valentines: the easiest DIY

I have always loved Valentine's day. Making Valentine's, making cookies, eating chocolate and candy...

And even into my adult years I have continued making Valentine's for friends, and everyone that I love. Throughout my dating experience I was only in a relationship on February 14th once before dating my husband, so it was never a priority of a "couples" holiday in any way.

This year I was scrolling through Pinterest trying to come up with something cute and witty to do for my loved ones, and I ended up coming up with a great idea, going out to bulk barn and buying a LOT of smarties (which I am currently snacking on now)... but then it came to me: Adult Valentine's, mini bottle style. 

So here it is my friends, the perfect Valentine for anyone in your life.

What you will need:

- mini bottles of your choice
- labels (I used Avery 02222)
- printer... or nice pens!
- ribbon & tags

Once the tags were printed, it was just lining up the sticker to fit the bottle correctly (and ideally cover up the existing label.. this didn't pan out quite as expected with the Gin). I found that with the Baileys bottle, likely because of the odd shape, cutting the label down by about 1 cm made it fit really nicely!

I then added some tags I had cut for a different craft with baker's twine, but any tag and any ribbon would do! This project was so easy that I am pretty certain my sister would do it (she is so capable, but just has little patience for crafts in the same capacity that I do).

Happy Valentine's Day! xx.


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