Back to School

I started back at school in January... hence the silence.

Being back in an academic setting after a few months off is both exhilarating and intimidating. Being an "older" student I am finding that my commitment to reading the assigned work is a bit higher than others, as well as I am much more willing to discuss the topics in class. Having been in a smaller university for my degree the opportunity to converse with the professor and other classmates is frequent... but because of the way I work ideas out (by speaking/arguing/debating/discussing) I tend to be a more vocal member in most groups.

I have intentionally limited myself to a certain number of comments per class in order to enable other students to speak. It is not an easy task, but I am starting to see some of the other students verbalize their thoughts and it is nice (most of the time). But inevitably there is that moment when a question is asked, and no one answers... and the silence hangs heavy and quite frankly I cannot handle it. As beneficial as those "thoughtful" moments can be I regularly break my vow of restraint and say something (even if I don't agree with it!)

School is hard. Academic situations are challenging and wonderful. I am so grateful to be back; but even more grateful to be so close to being done. Now I must go work on my assignments of which I am intentionally ignoring...


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