Baby Travelling

Travelling with a 7 month old back in May: I was terrified. First baby + first flight = stressed out mom. So I posted on a few places of my moms groups and asked for advice, and they rallied. I had great advice including:

- take favourite toys and a new toy to entertain
- nurse/feed/soother on take off and landing (for baby ears)
- bring a wrap/carrier
- pack extra clothing, for both mama and baby
- pack extra cloths... because you never know
- pack more diapers than you think is possible to use on a (insert number) hour flight
- relax

The advice given was supremely helpful, and after our first trip these are the things to remember for our next trip/ the advice I would offer:

- buy/bring doggy poop bags for diaper disposal. This was unbelievably helpful both on the plane as well as at my in laws.
- skip the stroller at this age in the airport. We packed conservatively, and checked all the baggage aside from the diaper bag/toy bag, and brought the ergo carrier to wander the airport with.
- bring a blanket for playing on the floor.
- buy/bring a phone recharger. I borrowed my mothers "power pond" just in case we needed access One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful" music video (which is a guaranteed calming method in this house)

Tomorrow I am travelling my now 9 month old... but by myself this time. I am less nervous about the flight itself as we are only travelling to Vancouver (a 1.5 hour trip) which seems like a piece of cake in compared to the four hours to Ontario, but still there is new and potentially stressful ground to tread.

1. He started crawling/walking along furniture... and doesn't really like being stuck in my lap for too long.
2. He has gotten a LOT louder, and nursing doesn't calm him as easily.
3. I will only have two hands, which is half of the amount of the last trip.

Here is to hoping it all goes smoothly!


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