the 2015 garden
The quickest of updates on our garden, we finally weeded it this weekend. I hurt my back two weeks before so I wasn't the best helper. The babe hung out on the grass and played (for a bit) while Dan and I pulled up piles of weeds and Dan turned the soil over. Our dear friend Wes even came to help out and join in the fun. He took over the most difficult parts of my section in order to save my back, and helped Dan with the pruning of the trees and shearing of the hedge out front.
Our clean up from last year was... questionable, but we are at a good starting point. With the hopes of moving the fence to the right a bit this year (another parking space, unfortunately) we will just be planting to the right of the pathway for good measure. The garlic grew back, though we didn't plant any. The gentleman who owned the house before us planted garlic for what I can assume would be the majority of his 40 years in the house, so to an extent I am not surprised it came back. Now to actually plant and seed...
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